MysqlExport Library


Description: Export the databases with php. You can view the library at github page.

Why I created this class?

I have a vps and I tired of manual backup. I decided to backup the databases automatically with cronjob then I created this class.

If you see an error or optimization please don’t hesitate.


Class isn’t suitable for tables which has foreign keys. I’ll update the class.

Test Usage

include 'Export.php';
$export = new MysqlExportExport('backup', 'localhost', 'root', 'dev1');


mysqlexport is an open source project by Erhan Kılıç that is licensed under MIT.


Contribution are always welcome and recommended! Here is how:

  • Fork the repository (here is the guide).
  • Clone to your machine git clone
  • Make your changes
  • Create a pull request