
Setting Up Your Own Git Server

Setting up your own git server is very useful. You can set up your own git server on Vps, Vds, Dedicated servers or even on your local machine. I assume you have installed git on your Linux server.

First we need to create a git directory under the root directory. In the following code I will create a example named git server. So you can set up as many git servers as you like.

mkdir /git/example.git

Then in the terminal, go to the directory /git/example.git and write the following code.

git init --bare

That’s all!! We created our git server. If you want to clone you should write the following code;

git clone username@serveripaddress:/git/example.git

It will ask your server’s password.

If you have a local project on your computer and you want to include it in your git server, type the following code in the terminal under your project directory;

git remote add myserver username@serveripaddress:/git/example.git
git push myserver -u master

You can change “myserver” with a name whatever you want. “origin” is commonly used name.

When you send your commits with the push command, your server will ask for the user password.

If you want your server to take your commits and create your project in another directory when you send your commits, you must create a post-recived named file under the /git/example.git/hooks directory with 777 permission. why would you want such a thing? In your project, we assume that you have commands that do build operations like gulp. After sending your commits, you can want that your gulp processes run automatically and the your project will be ready. You can even have development and production branches run automatically in separate folders.

Edit the inside of post-recived file as follows.

GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/project-directory/ git checkout -f master

You can set the directory location as you like.

If you are using something like composer, bower, you can arrange them to work as follows.

GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/project-directory/ git checkout -f master
cd /home/project-directory/
php composer.phar update
cd /home/project-directory/
bower install

Installing Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP (LAMP) On Ubuntu

Installing the Default LAMP Package on Ubuntu

If you want to install the LAMP in the easiest way, you need to write the following codes in the terminal.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lamp-server^

Do not forget to type the character “^” otherwise it will fail.

Installing Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP on Ubuntu

If you want to load all separately, you are in the right place. This is a little more painful, but it gives you a better use and the ability to load whatever you want.

Installing Apache

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2

That’s it. Apache installed. To check, enter http: // localhost in your web browser and it is loaded without any problems if you see “It Works!”. If you are installing on your vps server, you must type in your ip address of your VPS from the browser.

Installing MySQL

sudo apt-get install mysql-server

It will ask you to enter the MySQL user’s root password.

Installing PHP

sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php php-mcrypt php-mysql

That’s all.

Installing PHP Modules

Type the following code in the terminal to list the php modules.

apt-cache search php5-

If you want to install one of them, you can install it into the terminal by typing the following code.

sudo apt-get modül ismi
sudo apt-get php5-cli

Ubuntuya Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) Nasıl Yüklenir?

Ubuntu’ya Varsayılan LAMP Paketini Yüklemek

Eğer en kolay bir şekilde LAMP yüklemek istiyorsanız, aşağıdaki kodları terminalde yazmanız yeterlidir.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install lamp-server^

“^” karakterini yazmayı unutmayın, aksi takdirde hata verecektir.

Ubuntu’ya Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP Yüklemek

Eğer hepsini ayrı ayrı yüklemek istiyorsanız, doğru yerdesiniz. Bu biraz daha uğraştırıcıdır ama size daha iyi bir kullanım ve istediğinizi yükleme olanağı sağlar.

Apache Yüklemek

Apache yüklemek için aşağıdaki kodları terminalde yazın.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2

Bu kadar. Apache yüklendi. Kontrol etmek için web tarayıcınıza http://localhost adresini girin ve “It Works!” yazısını görürseniz sıkıntısız yüklenmiş demektir. Eğer vps sunucunuza kuruyorsanız vps’nizin ip adresinizi yazıp girmelisiniz tarayıcıdan.

MySQL Yüklemek

sudo apt-get install mysql-server

Her iki sürümün de yüklenmesi sırasında MySQL’in root kullanıcısı şifresini girmenizi isteyecektir sizden.

PHP Yüklemek

PHP yüklemek için terminale aşağıdaki kodları yazın.

sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php php-mcrypt php-mysql

Bu kadar. PHP yüklendi.

PHP Modüllerini Yüklemek

Php modüllerini listelemek için aşağıdaki kodu terminale yazın.

apt-cache search php5-

Hangi modülü yüklemek istiyorsanız aşağıdaki gibi bir kod yazarak terminale yükleyebilirsiniz.

sudo apt-get modül ismi
sudo apt-get php5-cli